Dildo Run Provincial Park

55 Sites

Don't Laugh! It's a great sea-side park. Icebergs are seen around here, up close. This park is located in Iceberg Alley, the park's sea coast features growlers, bergy bits and whales!

Season: Early June - Mid Sept

Day-Use Facilities, Pit Privies, Dumping Station, Hiking Trail, Laundry Facilities, Picnic Sites, Showers, Viewing Point, Drinking Taps Located Throughout the Park.

Location: Route 340
Virgin Arm

Telephone: 709-629-3350

Toll Free Telephone: 800-563-6353

Off Season Telephone: 709-635-4520

Fax: 709-635-4541

Rates: Call For Rates

Credit Cards Accepted: Visa, MasterCard

Email Address: parksinfo@mail.gov.nf.ca